
Vital Statistics

Name: Daisuke
Age: 16
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
First Appearance (Anime): Ranma 1/2 TV series, Vol. 3
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 1
Love Interest: None
Loved by: None

Profile: Daisuke is one of Ranma's male friends who hangs around Ranma in school at Furinkan High. One of Ranma's first friends, he, along with Hiroshi seem to have formed some kidn of bond to Ranma, both as male and female.

Personality: Because he is so minor a character, there isn't anything real definite to say about Daisuke's personality - however, he does seem to be the less prominent of Ranma's two male friends, always seeming to be more and more behind the scenes, but always associated with Hiroshi and Ranma.

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⌐ 1998 by Frank Sanchez